Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Not too late

Not too late.

You’re never too late to learn anything. Live while learning and learn while living. People who doesn’t want to learn are people who will depend on other people, and they’re the ones who will piss people off for their lack of curiosity in life. Curiosity, I should say is a gift.(If you do not agree with me, you may leave this page now) Not everyone are born with it. Are you constantly asking why and how to things that you dont understand? Or you just agreed on whatever other people say cos you’re too lazy to move the nerves on your brain and question them? For me, I think curiosity is an important tool for independence. Curiosity is a thing that wont age, nor slip away. So start questioning, do you have your curiosity? If you do not have it, then make yourself have at least the artificial bit of curiosity. A curious kid ace much better than a quiet kid…meaning to say, curious people are usually successful (well, curious on the right kind of things!) Come to think about it, Curious is a nice, and sleek name. I may be wrong about the curious bit, but I dare not say Einstein’s wrong. Successful and Curious. They should rhyme.

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