Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Natural Way of reducing headaches

Everyone gets headaches. But some people get it all the time, and of course if your headache is that bad, you should go consult your doctor about it. However, the results of headaches are due to a specific health problem or not balanced health. You may see some people living a healthy lifestyle and not getting alot of health issues, but of course, stress is one of the reasons that makes headaches. There are different types of headaches; tension headaches, migraine headaches, cluster headache,  occipital neuralgia or trigeminal neuralgia (specific nerve related pain syndromes), most of headaches are treated with medical therapy. 

You would most likely to take pills. Serious headaches need to be checked with your doctor.
Types of headaches: 

Some causes of Headaches:

  • Not enough sleep
  • Stress due to problems in life
  • Sometimes doing exercise can cause cardiac headaches and then disappear
  • Eating chewing gum, ice cream etc...
  • Having your menses
  • High estrogen birth control pills can cause headaches
  • Dehydration
  • low levels of blood sugar 

Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) gave us so many nutrients so that we can take and stay healthy. Alhamdulillah. I feel like most of the problem may be due to the person not putting dhikr and worship into practice. Worshipping the one true God, Allah, does an effect psychologically, indeed the hearts find rest with the remembrance of Allah. So if you are stressed due to family problems, or any other problem in your life, know that Allah (subhana wa ta''ala) is up there ,and that he always listen to the dua of a person in need, inshaAllah.

Natural way of curing headaches:

  • Not getting enough sleep is extremely important, try taking some calcium before going to bed, it could be a glass of milk, or some cornflakes.Grapefruit can also aid in sleep. Avoid sweets after 5:00PM (should try that!)
  • Cold compresses placed directly on the area of pain can relief pain. It alleviates muscles spasms and makes blood vessels smaller. Damp washed clothes can be put in the freezer for 10 minutes would work well...InshaAllah...
  • Consuming a large glass of water after every 3 hours (don't gulp the water, its good to drink it in the sunnah way like our prophet Muhammad (salalahu alayhim wa salam) did, 3 sips, and don't breathe in the cup or vessel your drinking from, it is not really good for your health)
  • Daily Fiber
  • Fennel seeds, cherries, almonds, almond milk, parsley, watercress, garlic, pineapple can help prevent headaches
  • Foods that contain protein are important
  • Relieve tension headaches with acupressure by placing your thumbs on your head at the back of your neck for a minute or two. 
  • Sinus headaches can be relieved by facial massage. Massage above and under your eyes. Help with drainage by leaning forward. Inhailing steam which can help relief the pain and encourage drainage
  • Tension type headaches can also be relieved by heating towel or water bottle on the neck and shoulders
Such severe headaches should be able to consult the doctor just in case:

The following symptoms in addition to a headache should be brought to a doctor's attention: confusion or loss of speech, blurred vision, light sensitivity, stiff neck and fever, pressure behind eyes that is alleviated after vomiting, sinus pressure, throbbing head and temples, pounding heartbeat, visual changes in color, head feeling like it will explode. The following conditions require immediate attention: a headache that comes on suddenly and severely and feels like a thunderclap, headache that follows a head injury or bump, and increased pain after coughing, exertion, sudden movement, or straining...

May Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) keep us in good health and Eman, ameen.

Jazakallah khair

Info take from: Link 

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